Hi, I'm

Muyiwa Olaitan James

A Pastor, Evangelist, Teacher and Life Coach


I am Muyiwa Olaitan James a preacher and teacher of the Word of God and a passionate pastor for decades.

I know that God has plans for everyone that comes to Him, I know and I believe that His plans are great and beautiful. But many miss out from God’s plans because there is no one to guide them through.
For this purpose and reason I am called to be a guide and a shepherd of the flock of Christ.

My assignment is to point as many as those that God would bring my way to heaven and to ensure that they overcome all challenges that may come their ways.
As long as Jesus tarries I remain yours in the vineyard.


Muyiwa Olaitan James

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God of a Second Chance

I and my wife were invited for the wedding of one of our daughters in the Lord on the 19th of March, 2011, and while in the hotel room during my meditation, I had an encounter with the Lord when He said to me “I am the God of a second chance, go and tell my people as many that wanted to settle down in marriage, such as single parents, divorcees and those that lost their spouses, that is, widowers, widows and very old singles that have been waiting for long to marry, I am going to visit them and settle them in their covenant marriage and I will give them a second chance to marry again”.
That was what led to this ministry and for over a decade that we have been into this, God has confirmed His word with infallible proofs with baffling testimonies from time to time and from place to place.
The ministration is all about injecting the people with a renewed hope for marital breakthroughs and then stirring up their faith to believe God for a change of stories and also to connect them with their God given spouse by the supernatural power of God. Amen.

Hour of Solution

The Overcomer’s hour which was formerly the hour of solution is a breakthrough teaching and Impartation time all out to address every challenges and anti covenant circumstances in the life of the people.
This is to bring about divine intervention in the unpalatable situations in the life of the people such as healing, fruitfulness, deliverance, miracle jobs, business, career and family breakthroughs in the life of worshippers.
God told me at the beginning, that if the people that come for the program can confess their sins, repent and depart from them, if they can also praise Him with all their heart, He will also visit them and turn their captivity. That’s it. We’ve heard unbelievable testimonies from this platform ever since inception.

The teaching essentially is to stir the faith of the people to receive what God has for them because it is unto you according to your faith.

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